Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs Samuel Parker to U.S. Minister John L. Stevens Department of Foreign Affairs, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, January 16, 1893 Sir: I have the honor to inform your excellency that the troops from the U.S.S. Boston were landed in this port at 5 oÕclock this evening without the request or knowledge of Her MajestyÕs Government. As the situation is one which does not call for interference on the part of the United States Government, my colleagues and myself would most respectfully request of your excellency the authority upon which this action was taken. I would also add that any protection that may have been considered necessary for the American Legation or for American property and interests in this city would have been cheerfully furnished by Her MajestyÕs Government. With the highest respect, I have the honor to remain, Your excellencyÕs obedient servant, Samuel Parker Minister of Foreign Affairs
His Excellency, John L. Stevens, U.S. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Honolulu |
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